about & privacy

Declaration on Data Privacy
The page sahoo.com.de is hosted by Shalini Sahoo, Intelligent Mobility Royal College of Art, Kensington Gore, London SW7 2EU. For us, the privacy of you data is a serious issue. In this declaration, you will find which data we use, how and why. The rules for Data-protection in Germany are anchored in the Bundesdatenschutzgesetz (BDSG) and Telemediengesetz (TMG). Normally, our Website can be used without requiring personal data. If personal data like Names or Email-addresses are asked, it is always on a voluntary basis, for example if you want to sign up for the newsletter.

To answer your questions you data as provided in your email will be saved to be able to get in touch for follow-up questions. Your data will not be forwarded to external parties.

We use cookies to create an easier and more pleasant visit to our website. Your browser saves cookies to you hard drive, which does not collect personal data. You can set your browser to deny cookies, we will then not receive any data.

External Content
When we’re reporting on stories, news and events, we sometimes uses external sources like our youtube channel. If you use the external content, the third party might also see your IP-address.

Copyright 2020 Shalini Sahoo – All rights reserved